from pywinauto.application import Application
from pywinauto import mouse
from pywinauto.keyboard import send_keys
app = Application(backend='uia').start('C:\\Users\\it101\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Zalo\\zalo.exe').connect(title ='Zalo', timeout =30)
# app.Zalo.print_control_identifiers(depth= 5)
left = 112
top = 46
right = 169
bottom = 66
# Calculate the click position within the rectangle
x = left + (right - left) // 2
y = top + (bottom - top) // 2
# Perform the click at the specified position'left', coords=(x, y))
findTextBox = app.Zalo.child_window(auto_id="contact-search-input", control_type="Edit").wrapper_object()
findTextBox.type_keys("Cloud của tôi", with_spaces= True)
left = 237
top = 181
right = 202
bottom = 202
x = left + (right - left) // 2
y = top + (bottom - top) // 2
# Perform the click at the specified position'left', coords=(x, y))
# findTextBox.type_keys("Chiều nay mình gặp nhau ở đâu?", with_spaces= True) (L393, T992, R658, B1013)
# element_list = txtMessage.children()
# element_to_click = element_list[1]
# element_to_click.click_input()
for num in range(5):
txtMessage = app.Zalo.child_window(auto_id="richInput", control_type="Group", top_level_only = False).wrapper_object()
txtMessage.type_keys("Anh Thảo đẹp trai nhất thế giới...", with_spaces= True)
# app.Zalo.print_control_identifiers(depth= 8) # (L453, T35, R604, B59)