select group json result table sqlserver

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đã hỏi 12 Tháng 7, 2017 bởi Thảo Meo (3,920 điểm)
        SELECT madh_hb, mamh, mact, tenmathang, madt, mahomh, slkh, tenct, tennl, cao, rong, dai, sl1bo, tongslton,  sl_nhan_scg, sl_nhan_scg, ghichu, (slcan-tongslton) as slcan2 from view_chitietlenhsx2 a where madh_hb='INC_NANTUCKET-CHERRY-VAL_05_17' and (sl_thieunhan_scg + tongslton) <0  and scsx=1 and maloainl='NLTN' AND a.tenmh = b.tenmh for json auto
    ) AS details
from (select DISTINCT tenmh from view_chitietlenhsx2 where madh_hb='INC_NANTUCKET-CHERRY-VAL_05_17' and (sl_thieunhan_scg + tongslton) <0  and scsx=1 and maloainl='NLTN') b
FOR json auto
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